
Happy New Year --- Year of the dragon 2024


Lean Innovation, Win-win Cooperation 

New Technology ,   New  Heights

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      The jade rabbit bids farewell to the past, and the dragon soars into the sky. Looking back on 2023, we have gained glory and sweat. the first year after the epidemic, many things to be done and resume. At the beginning of the outbreak, everyone gets a hope that, in the warm spring, with the flowers blossom, everything will pass, but unexpectly this hard battle lasted three years. During this period, some enterprises did not survive the winter and disappeared in the industry. The epidemic accelerated the elimination and upgrading. Where there is a purge, there is a rise, and the strong remain strong. Three years after the epidemic ushered in a severe test for global enterprises is also a process of reshuffle and change. During this period, Wenlin people did not stop the pace of progress, we always develop and manufacture products with the forward-looking concept of leading The Times and continuously updated professional knowledge. WENLIN Technology withstood the test and faced the difficulties in adversity, constantly gave play to its own research and development advantages, adhered to technological innovation, grasped the market trend, launched the 10-layer Wenlin-New full auto7500 automatic IC laminating machine, Wenlin-jinguan, yinguan series equipment, widely praised by professional large in dual interface card companies, which become the best-selling laminating equipment in 2023. Wenlin IPC intelligent IC card laminating machine adopts industrial control management system to achieve intelligent background management is also favored by the market.

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Years always silently carving every step of the traces of struggle, but also in the silent gift of every wind and rain figure. In 2023, we traveled thousands of miles to meet with new and old customers at overseas exhibitions, and face-to-face exchanges strengthened their confidence in choosing Wenlin brand. In the past year, we have stood out, winning the 20th IOET Gold Award and being included in the list of "Specialized and Special New" companies. In 2023, Wenlin's sales performance got off to a good start, with a year-on-year increase of nearly 600% in March, and the annual performance multiple increased. The number of Wenlin high-end automatic equipment is doubled and doubled, and the figure is distributed around the world, and it is the best choice for many well-known RFID card manufacturers. 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" proposed, this year, the number of customers in Central and Western Asia, Latin America, and Africa has increased significantly, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tajikistan and other countries have traded several automatic laminating machines and punching machines.


In 2024, Wenlin will adhere to the spirit of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, and combine intelligent manufacturing, digital technology, big data and analysis, flexible production and customized production through the Internet and the Internet of Things, to achieve lean production and rapid delivery, and truly achieve high-quality development of enterprises. In the era of Industry 4.0, smart sensing devices connect workflows to the Internet, enabling the interconnection of devices, products and supply chains. Sensors can collect various data, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, etc., and send it to the cloud platform for analysis and processing. This data can be used to monitor equipment status, predict failures, optimize production processes, and more. Human-machine collaboration combines human intelligence and creativity with the efficiency and precision of machines. In 2024, the plan is to introduce robots and automation equipment in accordance with the spirit of Industry 5.0, so that workers can be freed from heavy, dangerous and low-value tasks and instead focus on more creative and high value-added work.



In 2024, Wuhan Wenlin Technology strives to be the pioneer, forge ahead with continuous innovation, and help China's intelligent manufacturing in 2025. We follow the basic policy of "innovation-driven, quality first, green development, structure optimization, talent-based" to build the long-term competitiveness of Wenlin Technology.

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